Courses Developed

  1. E-Safety & Safeguarding

This much appreciated course being used by over 130 learning providers across all post 16 educational sectors withing UK & Internationall was produced to introduce tutors/managers to the issues involved in making information technology safe for learners - whether they are children, young people or adults. Learning providers can download this course for use on their own Moodle. Simply complete a brief survey after which you will be directed to the zipped folder to download and restore into your own Moodle platform.


Click on image above to view the Course 


2. Social media for education

Social Media are proliferating at an incredible rate, and increasingly students and educators expect to be able to utilise these for Teaching and Learning. Social Networks are probably the most preeminent Social Media of the age, with Facebook alone claiming 800 active million users and a staggering 900 million objects that users can interact with. Yet very often Educational Professionals and not fully availed of the pedagogic implications and possibilities of these technologies, and are concurrently frequently misinformed about the potential risks and opportunities of utilising these conduits. This course intends to familiarise practioners how different Social Media technologies are being used to enrich the curriculum delivery and also points to tips and tricks on using them in teaching and learning.

Social Media for education

 Click on image above to view the Course

Video Presentations Delivered

1. Choosing Mobile Apps or Mobile Website for Your Organisation

This particular webinar explores the choices and tries to evaluate the pros and cons of the various mobile app platforms. It will also consider the 'app vs mobile website' dilemma, to see which needs are best catered for by the app approach and similarly explore the benefits of developing a mobile website compatible for all mobile phones. The webinar also looks at some useful educational mobile websites, apps and the different approaches taken by leading educational establishments.

App or Mobile website 

Click on image above to view the presentation

 2. Moodle and Blackboard on Smart Phones - New Developments

More organisations are now exploring how mobiles phones can be utilised to deliver educational content to the learner. As VLEs are already a dominant source for educational content, it makes logical sense to have a mobile interface for an organisation's learning platform. This webinar looks at the Moodle and Blackboard VLE mobile interface approaches and different apps that are available in the market to provide such interfaces. The wecast also examines the open-source projects being developed in this regard.

VLE on mobile

Click on image above to view the presentation

 3. Learning e-Portfolios Part 1 - Mahara

In this online presentation, I will be offering an insight into the use of learning e-portfolios with in-depth information about Mahara, which is a free open-source reflective e-portfolio system. I will be looking at the evolution of e-portfolios in general and Mahara in particular. I will demonstrate how these can be utilised by providers to enhance the student learning experience and also provide a platform which facilitates reflective activities of both learners and staff.


Click on image above to view the presentation

4. Is the future of education 3D ?

In this webinar, Munib Hadi showcases some of the ways that 3D technology has already been adopted within teaching and learning and forecasts some of the possible outcomes for learners and tutors in years to come. This is a fascinating new world which promises to change our lives in ways we could never have imagined before. 3D is set to revolutionise the manufacturing and construction industry. It is already allowing us to hug and shake hands with friends and family in different countries around the globe. 3D is transforming the way we shop, allowing consumers to visualise items such as watches and jewellery on themselves before they buy. 3D images and videos are now capable of capturing memories with more realism than ever before.


Click on image above to view the presentation

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DIY educational augmented reality apps
May 17, 2013
A recent survey suggests that over 71% of 16-24 year olds use smart phones in the UK. And with all the recent advancements in technology you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to create engaging resources for these hand-held ‘super computers’. So shouldn’t all learning providers be using the true potential of these devices to engage their students?

Digitising Learning
JISC RSC South East
As technology continues to march its way into every avenue of our lives, so the demand for digital conversion of paper-based and analogue resources inexorably grows. Within education, the need to ‘digitise’ library materials has now become one of the major issues confronting providers in all sectors. Munib Hadi, e-Learning Adviser (Technical Infrastructure) for the RSC South East reports on how the JISC is helping providers to meet the challenge.

Will 3D provide an added dimension to education?
JISC RSC South East
October 2012
3D technology has been around since the American civil war. Once the sole province of Sci-Fi authors and wealthy technophiles, the world of 3D has significantly changed in recent years. Now this once esoteric innovation is available to more people on more devices than ever before, opening up unforeseen possibilities in an increasing number of applications, including education! Our own Syed Munib Hadi, e-Learning Adviser for Learning and Technology Management, reports.

White Space (Oppurtunities for Institutional WiFi Infrastructure)
April 2, 2012
For a vast majority of us the switch over to the Digital TV has little more impact than having to install a digital receiver but behind the scenes this is slowly generating opportunities for our learning providers to finally offer campus wide WiFi with up to 1GB per second Internet speed.

The ongoing Digital switchover frees up large areas of unlicensed frequencies because digital transmissions can be packed into adjacent channels, while analog ones cannot. The million dollar question is how to make use of this scarce and limited frequencies.