3D Printing

3D printing has been in the news recently both for creating tasteful deserts to its usefulness in medical science to transforming manufaturing. Here are some of the stories of how 3D printing is revolutionising our world.

  1. Manufacturing with a mouse click instead of hammers and nails
  2. Printing new skin & Ears
  3. Printing artificial Blood Vessels
  4. Printed future of Christmas Dinner
  5. 3D Choclate Yummmmmmmmy
  6. 3D transplanted Jaw
  7. Expressing your creativity the 3D way  (Picture Special)
  8. Will 3D revolutionarise Manufacturing ?
  9. Using 3D to make parts & components (Picture Special)

3D in Education Webinar

In this webinar, Munib Hadi showcases some of the ways that 3D technology has already been adopted within teaching and learning and forecasts some of the possible outcomes for learners and tutors in years to come. This is a fascinating new world which promises to change our lives in ways we could never have imagined before. 3D is set to revolutionise the manufacturing and construction industry. It is already allowing us to hug and shake hands with friends and family in different countries around the globe. 3D is transforming the way we shop, allowing consumers to visualise items such as watches and jewellery on themselves before they buy. 3D images and videos are now capable of capturing memories with more realism than ever before.
Presented Date: Friday 30th of September 2011  Presented By: Munib Hadi

Is the Future 3D ?

Posted on 21 September 2011, 16:31

3D technology has been around since the American civil war but recently some developments have made it possible for a commoner to not only afford but also play with these technologies which has brought there use in whole range of sectors in prominence.

From 3D mobile phones to 3D printing to 3D augmented reality you can immerse yourself in 3D and if that doesn’t satisfy your quest for 3D than you can even hang out in 3D Virtual worlds; the possibilities and tools on offer are mind boggling but even when these tools and technologies are changing the world around us, we are oblivious to their impact.

This is a fascinating new world, which promises to change our lives in ways we have never imagined before. From revolutionising the manufacturing & construction industry to making social contact possible with people in different globes & countries in a way that we can hug and shake hands to making smart consumer choice next time we buy a new watch to the simple concept of actually capturing the world around us in 3D images and 3D video which brings more realism in those old timeless memorises.

We are already seeing more and more architects showcasing you your future home by letting you walk through a 3D model but 3D technology has the potential of actually constructing your real home as easy as printing a piece of paper as well. My interactive blog page on “is the future 3D” showcase some of the ways 3D technologies are changing the world around us.

And than it is the educational use; imagine instead of being told of the old Roman and Babylonian history, we could actually walk through streets of those times, view the architecture, the atmosphere of the time.

Imagine teaching astronomy where pupils can actually walk through space or walking in the International Space shuttle. How rich would be the understanding of our learner if we can do all that. All this talk might look like wishful thinking but actually this is something, which is already being done.

For more information on this please visit my Portfolio page on “Is the Future 3D”.

3D Marker Technology

Markers are used in conjunction with a webcam to trigger ARsoftware. The markers have developed from square blocks like this ....... Example of a block marker

 Example of a graphic marker....... to graphic representations like this

....... or even brand logos like this ....... Example of a logo marker

In all cases you download and print the marker, download some software to drive the application and then connect a webcam. Show the marker to the webcam, and, provided you keep the marker in the frame of the webcam, you will see the onscreen image change to a controllable 3D AR object. These are used to showcase 3D objects like 3D construction models to 3D clothes and accessories to allow you to make smarter choices as a consumer.

Below is a link to a short demo of the Tissot Watch application which allows you to actually try a watch on your wrist using 3D before you actually make a decision to purchase it. 


6th Sense

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified (possibly even diminished rather than augmented) by a computer. As a result, the technology functions by enhancing one’s current perception of reality.

The webinar below from Nigel Davies provides a brief overview of Augmented Reality (AR) and explores some of the developments that have taken place in the past year. It focuses on desktop activities and includes practical examples of AR being used in marketing and design together with an overview of location tagging. The session concludes with a discussion on the potential for education use.

Click on image above to view the presentation

If you want to find more information on how Augmented Reality applications are used in educational sector please feel to browse JISC RSC South East moodle course on AUgmented Reality.

Click on the above image to access the Augmented Reality Course

Geo Tagging

Mobeedo is a geo tagging application that allows you to tag information on any geographical location and when a user with the relevant app on the mobile passes that location, they are instantly displayed that information on their mobiles. Mobeedo is a free app available on all major smart phone operating systems like iOS, Android, WIndows and others.


 There are a number of other applications available with some what similar capabilities like "Layar" but i have found adding geo tagging much simpler on Mobeedo and offers a range of other facilities that can be utilised in educational context. It is also a useful tool for field trips and treasure hunts type of activities as well as posting information about large campuses.

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