JISC RSC SE Mobile apps

 Conscious of the wide penetration and effective of smart phones, i came with the idea of developing JISC RSC Southeast Mobile apps for the Android & iPhone smart Phones. These mobile apps are now available from the relevant app stores.

mobile app

I managed this project and also designed the layout for these apps. These apps were designed so that they appear the same on both the platforms and could also be updated remotely without the need for updating the app at the user end. These apps allow us to communicate with e-practitioners using their smart phones to make them aware of News, Events, Newsletters, case studies, webcasts, funding opportunities and moodle courses on offer from JISC RSC Southeast.

Conscious of the fact that not all people have smart phones we have also allowed the capability for people to share these items from within the app to other colleagues using facebook, twitter, email or delicious. 

We have had a very good response for these apps and more than 125 people have downloaded the Android version of the app and although we don’t have stats for the iPhone version due to the limitations of the app store, we reckon the download figure for iPhone app to be much greater as per our observation and also the more widespread use of the iPhone among the sector. 

JISC RSC SE Mobile website

 Over 7.1 million UK users now access the internet with their mobile phones, forcing many organisations to explore ways of creating an online presence for mobile and smartphone users. In response, i managed the project in which the JISC RSC South East has launched a tailored version of its website optimised for such equipment. Now you can access all the news, events, Excellence Gateway case studies, funding bulletins, mobile webcasts and Moodle courses published on our regular website using your favourite mobile device.

Mobile website

In addition to a powerful search facility, the new mobile website also provides single-click sharing of information via social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Delicious and e-mail as seen in above animated gif.

Developing JISC RSC SE Moodle

With an ever-increasing number of supported learning providers, JISC RSC Southeast looked at delivering more of RSC Support and advise using online tools. As part of that approach I rebranded JISC RSC Southeast Moodle to reflect the new approach and also developed an automated mechanism that would enable the courses offered on JISC RSC Southeast moodle website to be downloaded automatically by the learning providers wishing to make use of these courses.

 RSC SE Moodle

This automated process allows JISC RSC Southeast to provide these courses to our supported providers through a self supported automated process and also enables JISC RSC Southeast to record the details of the learning providers that choose to download these resources. Till date more than 350 learning providers from across all sectors of post 16 education in UK and abroad have choosen to download these courses. I also developed the E-Safety & Safeguarding course which alone has been downloaded by over 130 learning providers with UK & abroad.

It has enabled JISC RSC Southeast to focus our attentions to new topics and strands and avoid redundancy on delivering same things again and again.

JISC RSC SE Webcast Portal

 JISC RSC Southeast webcast portal was an idea that i envisaged and than developed. As the Regional Support centre for a very large region we utilised online webcast to a great extent but previously lacked any platform where we could host those recordings and we were actually repeating alot of these webinars again and again. I developed this unique website which offers viewers the abilitty not only to view these webinars thorugh their PC but also through their mobile devices. It also provides a facility to subscribe to various categories of webinars through RSC feeds and to download these webinars. There is also a very complex and thorough stats system built in which monitors the numbers of viewers accessing the website and alos individual presentations.

There is also a very complex and thorough stats system built in which monitors the numbers of viewers accessing the website and alos individual presentations.