How it works ?

Markers are used in conjunction with a webcam to trigger ARsoftware. The markers have developed from square blocks like this ....... Example of a block marker

 Example of a graphic marker....... to graphic representations like this

....... or even brand logos like this ....... Example of a logo marker

In all cases you download and print the marker, download some software to drive the application and then connect a webcam. Show the marker to the webcam, and, provided you keep the marker in the frame of the webcam, you will see the onscreen image change to a controllable 3D AR object. These are used to showcase 3D objects like 3D construction models to 3D clothes and accessories to allow you to make smarter choices as a consumer.

AR as Sixth Sense

Augmented Reality in Architecture

Free AR Course

If you want to find more information on how Augmented Reality applications are used in educational sector please feel to browse JISC RSC South East moodle course on Augmented Reality.

Click on the above image to access the AR Course

AR in a Nutshell

The webinar below from Nigel Davies provides a brief overview of Augmented Reality (AR) and explores some of the developments that have taken place in the past year. It focuses on desktop activities and includes practical examples of AR being used in marketing and design together with an overview of location tagging. The session concludes with a discussion on the potential for education use.

Click on image above to view the presentation

AR to enrich Education

Geo Tagging & Augmented Reality

Mobeedo is a geo tagging application that allows you to tag information on any geographical location and when a user with the relevant app on the mobile passes that location, they are instantly displayed that information on their mobiles. Mobeedo is a free app available on all major smart phone operating systems like iOS, Android, WIndows and others.


 There are a number of other applications available with some what similar capabilities like "Layar" but i have found adding geo tagging much simpler on Mobeedo and offers a range of other facilities that can be utilised in educational context. It is also a useful tool for field trips and treasure hunts type of activities as well as posting information about large campuses.

The video below shows ways in which Mobeedo can be used.

Augmented Prospectus

Google Sketchup

Creating 3D models to use with AR Markers involves complex technical knowledge and skills. Google SketchUp is an easy-to-use free program that lets you and your students create, modify and share 3D models. From history to calculus, you'll be surprised at how easy it is to see your ideas in 3D. And when you're done, you can export an image, make a movie or print out a view of what you made.


Basic Tutorials & Tips
View videos and tutorials on how to use Google SketchUp to help teach the basics to your students.


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Google SketchUp for My Class
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Student Created Showcase!
See some great examples of student work created with Google SketchUp.

3D Books & Augmented Prospectus

More and more learning providers and book makers are coming with ideas on utilising 3d animations with their books and also augmented content. Below is a video of an augmented reality 3D animated book on astronomy and also a video of the Augmented Info used by University College Suffolk in their new prospectus.

3D Book

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